Sun Salutions, the foundation of our everyday practice
Sūrya namaskāra āsana
Sun Salutions, the foundation of our everyday practice.
Practice with me for the first time in the Shipwreck beach, Zakynthos, Greece 🐚
Benefits of the Sūrya namaskāra āsana
The traditional version of the sequence is designed and offered to increase the flexibility of the spine, balance the central nervous system, improve lung capacity and detoxify the whole body. Enjoy the expansion in the movement and your sense of confidence and willpower being increased.
Feel the breeze and the warmth of the sun on your skin!
As you move, breathe deeply and consciously. Inhale as you open your heart to the sky, exhale as you move towards earth.
Let’s get in touch
Feel free to contact me for any questions or modifications needed.
More than happy and grateful to share this with you from a place being more than a root chakra to me!
Lilianna Tara